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Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think

Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think - Peter H. Diamandis, Peter Diamandis, Arthur Morey, Peter H. Diamandis Abundance is a book of two parts, with a sprinkling of Singularity University and XPRIZE promotion and some nice little autobiographical tidbits. The first part introduces the arguments against abundance (Thomas Malthus, Club of Rome, etc.) and attempts to brute force them with tons of data. From this section I can tell Diamandis and Kotler are well-educated technology optimists, and that they read many of the same books as me. You may recognize the arguments of Kevin Kelly and Chris Anderson among others. The second part of the book is a whirlwind tour of exciting and inspiring advancements, some of which I knew about and others which I intend to investigate further.

See the full review at my blog: http://chadkohalykcom/blog/2013/06/02/abundance/